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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Homeopathic HCG For Weight Loss, Why it Works

Homeopathic HCG is the newest development in HCG weight loss program. Obviously, this is an offshoot of the difficulty of getting the real one. You may not know it, but there is a good chance you are using homeopathic HCG being passed on as genuine. This is no cause for worry, however. It has been found out to work just as efficiently as the natural HCG.

Many are puzzled why it works the way it does. According to medical experts, there is no such thing as homeopathic HCG. First, because homeopathic medicine is supposed to apply only to cures using substances that cause the illness. A snake bite being cured by snake venom is a good example of homeopathic medicine. Since HCG does not cause obesity, it cannot be classified as one. Second, homeopathic medicine increases its potency as it is diluted. The more it is diluted the more it becomes more powerful. There are no reported cases of the natural HCG increasing its potency with dilution. Nevertheless, unexplained or not, thousands of testimonies point to its satisfactory performance in helping people lose weight.

There is a dearth in literature which can explain the phenomena. In the absence of formal studies, one of the possible explanations being floated is the possibility of placebo at work. This is not new, of course. The power of the mind has always been considered a good starting point in curing just about any kind of illness. Dieters strongly believed homeopathic HCG can help them lose weight and so it does.

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