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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Houston Weight Loss Doctor

If you are an overweight Houston resident, you may want to consider seeking the services of a slim-down doctor. A Houston weight loss doctor can give you options regarding diet and exercise. Also, they can give your assistance in achieving your ideal weight and weight management goals.

Skilled professional

A Houston weight loss doctor has the expertise and experience to create suitable programs for you. Doctors would schedule a consultation first. There will physical exams and body analysis that would be done. Also, your dietary history will be asked.

All these procedures would provide your with correct measurements - water weight, fat pounds, muscle pounds, among others. Plus, your ideal calorie intake and body fat amount will be calculated. When measuring all these, your body type will be considered.

Program recommendation

The consultation would provide your doctor how to make a suitable program. Then, a program would be recommended to you. Sometimes, doctors may provide you with different options for medication. They may even suggest giving you booster shots to increase your energy level and slim-down rate. Also, surgery may even be recommended.

There are different options for surgery that a Houston weight loss doctor can recommend. These include stomach stapling and gastric bypass surgery. Stomach stapling, or vertical banded gastroplasty, entails stapling a stomach part to regulate food intake. Gastric bypass surgery, on the other hand, involves having a new stomach that is planted on the small intestine.

Dietary supplements and prescription medications are recommended to those who need other approaches aside from controlled diet and physical regimen. However, these supplements and medications need to be regulated. Surgery is recommended to those persons whose health conditions are gravely affected. Obesity poses health risks, so weight problems should be properly addressed. A Houston doctor can certainly address your problems and provide you with effective options.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Exercise Plans

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