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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Is Green Tea an Effective Weight Loss Solution?

Diet teas are fast becoming known as the new 'coffee'. Green tea is made from unfermented young leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant and originates from China. Why are so many people hooked on this tea nowadays? Is it really that effective for our body and for losing weight?

According to some Japanese Researchers, drinking 5 cups a day can help you lose 70 to 80 calories through what is called 'thermogenesis'. This refers to a process of heat production in an organisms body. The Chinese people have been aware of the benefits of their teas for hundreds of years, using them as a treatment for many common ailments, and it is only in recent times that it has been used in weight reduction programs. It does however contain caffeine, albeit about one third of the amount by volume as coffee, and caffeine is a well known product used to boost the bodies metabolism thus helping to burn more calories. If you are concerned about the caffeine levels or what it may do it is always advisable to consult your own doctor or medical practitioner for advice before using green tea in any diet program. However, this tea by itself cannot be considered a 'do all' weight loss product. As natural and great tasting as it is, the tea should be considered as a weight loss aid rather than a weight loss cure.

Combine the regular drinking of these types of tea with a healthier diet and the correct exercise program and you will certainly see a reduction in your weight as well as feeling much more energetic and so much better in yourself. As an added bonus there is some research that currently says that the drinking of green tea also helps in dental hygiene, halitosis, cholesterol and blood sugar levels!

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